Monday, January 22, 2007

Lest we forget that from all the warmth and wet tidings left over from autumn the teeth of winter can still bite deep... (our complacency, but a softest morsel for the gnawing cold to ravage.) The wind has stilled to a whisper and in its stead rushes in the snow, the vanguard of the long, cold days now coming swift from the north. See how fast we can slip from the azure clear daylight sky with its low rays of winter sun into a malevolent evening where the sky dims and bruises to take on utter blackness like a cape of invisibility that then drowns the world under a tide of whitest chill. I for one am glad to be a creature of man, (of science) for naught but a folly would wish to be one with nature tonight. For in January she is a foe incomparably merciless and while she stalks I shall sleep and think of summer.