Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A whisper enters within my mind as I sleep fast in great dreams of my love. It taps away at the unconscious man I live within till I rouse and leave the man with his dream. And where would I go? To follow the whisper that takes me to you waiting patiently on the edge of space and time for me to come. And oh, you are so beautiful to me and I rush into your soul like a cascading waterfall into the pool below it. We wrap our love and desire into a new awakening and sate our love among the stars. Then you take hold of my hand and show me the world. It becomes our world now and I shall love it so because it has you upon it. Somewhere in the world a man sleeps and dreams of you safe and warm under the covers in the fastness of sleep and while he sleeps his soul leaves and finds you. For it could not bear to be without you ever. Wherever you go I shall be there.