Thursday, October 16, 2008

Yet you are far away and now safe within the warmth, thoughts of you sit with me, comfort me and I feel your presence beside me as the night skies trace a skein of stars toward tomorrow. You are never far away for your spirit slid into mine long ago and we are one tonight and forever. The rain now falls softly outside and I shouldn’t really hear it only the wind blows across each drop and somehow amplifies its descent. This wonderful sound permeates the curtains and I imagine I am sat on some seashore. I close my eyes and I see the dunes and the marram grass and the waves break and foam gently over silver sands.

Then the pace of the rain outside increases and snatches me away. Drops hammer the windows and the wind stirs the curtains and the cold breath of the night rushes into the room. Suddenly the world grows cold and then without warning all is still save one solitary drop that falls from the gutter onto the windowsill. I put down the pad as the owl hoots the passage of the rain and the dream’s end for the black cloak of rest is laid over me and the world disappears till morning.

But I shall dream of summer as the night wraps me up in its dark cool embrace. I shall close my eyes and see a world that is to come so soon. Clear skies and gentle breezes carrying the melody of the world cause sensory overload from the race to enjoy the moment. My senses shall be shared among you, the grass and trees and all the thoughts that I can set free to float away under the glades. The shortest day is to come and…“ The day closes tighter with each revolution of the earth. Starlight forces its way into every crack of the dawn and dusk and the embrace of the coming winter holds me in wonderment”.