Sunday, March 08, 2009

I think I have used this before sorry….but have changed lots of it

A cold wind weaves across a valley lit by golden rays. For this day the march of spring halts under the breezy onslaught. A soft grey sky sprinkles light rain over an eager land. It hits the moist earth and is absorbed quickly to permeate through the underground tracery of roots that lie hidden deep in subterranean spaces that once nurtured the dinosaurs. Some will be used to swell leaf buds and open flowers and some retained within fleshy orange roots that hug the very bones of the earth. Long through the winter they have caressed the cold layers and now they shall catch and hold their watery cargo in readiness for the heat and drought of summer.

Bumblebee queens soon shall awake take to wing and in vacant mouse holes brood fat larval offspring in waxy cylinders constructed lovingly from the bounty held within the body of mother from a summer now gone and from the first nectars of spring. They shall forgo the cold and rain to fertilise the early spring flowers.
Bumblebees are the vanguard of the insect army awakening.

Wasp queens shall await the call a little longer and lie hidden still in anticipation of warmer days where mandibles honed to razor sharpness shall strip wood to make papery abodes that shall last but till autumn and unleash a bloodlust on the insect world borne on a yellow and black storm.
Wasps are the warriors of the insect army awakening.

Her majesty Queen honeybee surrounds herself with children numbered in thousands and feels their warmth. Yet spring calls to her softly to come outside but she cannot answer the call trapped surely as a slave within the hive to lay constantly when she would give all to leave the fortress of her children and fly free on the wing and let the sun gleam once more upon her silken wings.
Honeybees are the unsung angels of the insect army awakening