Thursday, May 07, 2009

Thursday 7th May 2009

Been a bit busy the last few days with getting some things ready for more eBay sales...getting better at it but still don’t know all the ins and outs...still interesting and decluttering at the same time. Our summer weather has faded and at the moment it is quite windy and cool. We have had so much rain in the last week or so that the ponds are filling to the brim and the water is as clear as I have ever seen it. I can see all the remaining leaves too, which need to come out this autumn.

It is all rather quiet at the moment (well apart from swine flu)...not sure it’s the global pandemic the media keeps reporting. Seems rather over-hyped but I may regret saying that. (oink, oink)

Enjoy the photo of the rhododendrons from the back door