Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The weather here is turning its face toward mild for the time being although it was snowing first thing this morning but it was the kind of cold, wet snow that slaps you around the face as it laughs and then melts as it hits the floor. We’ve had our quota of winter weather but my heart says we shall see much more before spring is finally here.

Prices here are rising fast at the moment with petrol going nuts but the government has just upped tax on goods by 2.5%. That’s going to impact on everything and already I figure that makes petrol in your money - $2 per litre – that’s $9 a gallon! I can see from the web the US pay around $3 a gallon...lucky buggers!! Where it will all end is anyone’s business.

Had a quiet, enjoyable weekend. Saturday went to Southport with Nick and yesterday Mike and I burnt rubbish in the garden and sat and watched the birds while drinking coffee. It is probably imperceptible but I’m sure we can sense the change in the air now. The days are 30 minutes longer and in the mild weather we can once again begin to smell the pine trees scent brought on the wind. Dug up the last of the potatoes for tea from the earth mound we had stored them in. the frosts of December and January had permeated through to the top layers but underneath the potatoes where as white and sweet as they were in September. I enjoyed the taste of those with some butter. Given the way food prices are going might need to grow more?

Fell back in into the ravages of a cold last week which meant having to take a couple of days off work. Funny isn’t it that when the weather is sub zero we’re all ok but as soon as it gets cold and damp off we all go with a cold. Once the coughing stops (which might be around March at this rate) I’ll be ok.

It rained non stop the whole weekend but now the workdays are back the weather holds to a blue sky and sunny disposition. Still a huge spider walked across the living room wall last night, (much to the bemusement of the dog.) He did have a bark at it but spiders don’t get this large without working a few things out and for me I’ll take that spider as my sign the northern world is waking from winter slumber one again.