Saturday, April 30, 2011

Saturday 30th April 2011

It’s going to be a warm, sunny day but there is a terrific wind blowing at the moment. I shall not be deterred and have made some food to scoff later. As E David would say “A good rule of life is to never throw away the fat after frying bacon.” It’s fantastic for cooking chicken or potatoes with garlic and a sprig of rosemary or thyme.
Robbie has chased just about every squirrel he saw while out on his walk today and scattered the huge drifts of leaves the wind has blown together. I must go later and collect some as they a perfectly dry and crisp and they make great mulch once wet again.

Friday 29th April 2011

I think there is a wedding somewhere today – watched it on TV with Nick this morning. They seem a genuine, couple very much in love and what a great big show for the world to watch.

Robbie absconded with 2 female joggers when we had a walk around the lake – managed to get about half a mile away before he realised he was on his own and stopped. I haven’t run so fast and so far for some time. I think my heart is still ok - must be all the saturated fat.

Thursday 28th April 2011

It’s the most beautiful of day with a flat blue sky broken by the odd white cloud and butterfly to break up the azure canvas. Every tree is green and the lawn is carpeted in a thousand daisies. Spent blossom blows on the breeze like confetti, perhaps a wedding is in the air somewhere! Robbie is perfectly content doing cartwheels over his baseball and I am reading about food. It’s hard to believe it is not yet May. Perhaps we’ll have a lovely, long and warm summer – we’ll see.