Sunday, May 22, 2011

What lies beneath when at last all is spent?
When all my wishes have been heaven sent
No care carelessly worn, no place unlooked
Never was ill failure ever to be brooked
When bough and leaf and wind and tide
Create amazing lives for our souls to hide
Despite all the tidings of doom and gloom
In my heart for you, there was always room
Till day is at last night and all is done
When east winds sweep over the rising sun
I take my heart and for all its worth
Give it back to you again mother Earth
What lies above when all is gone to the new?
When darkness fades and finally I come to you
Renewed and free to begin again reborn
No more to the cord, no more care is worn
We awaken as the world masses in green
Only on earth such potent power is seen
Nature to be revered as a solemn, caring art.
We love so much, so now finish what we start
While snowflakes fall lie gazing up at the stars
Our bodies on earth but souls flying around Mars
Look beyond all that you were bound for years
Smile to forgive and shed always joyful tears