Sunday, October 02, 2011

Without compulsion her staff blazed into life for the glowings she had placed around the clearing now sprang into pearlescent life and illuminated the enemy charge. She raised the alarm. Within an instant the Ishanntari were awake and in the light of the nacreous glowings saw that their enemy came in a disorganised wave of chaos that made no sense. “To me” roared Ibbero and the Ishanntari raised their staffs in unison and created a swift wall of force around them all. It hung in the still night air like thin smoke but when the first Valwyre crashed into it, the force became a pyrocumulus forbidding and in that conflagration the Valwyre dropped dead instantly screaming into the quiet of the night. More followed and each one met the same end. Yet the assault continued and in the clearing the low rumble of guttural speech could be heard urging them on. 

The forbadement could not hold long against such force and as the fetid smell of burning flesh filled their nostrils and stung their eyes then silence came as no more Valwyre hurled themselves against the forbidding. Yet now the goblins came and in long stilted strides passed straight through the forbidding. Goblins were hideous to behold with long ears set high on narrow, hairless heads that had broad, low noses and their lips were thin on wide mouths and held fearsome pointed teeth and set with disarming intensity towards the side of the head were eyes as red as the sunset. Smaller than a man in height due to their backward bent legs they were covered in grey skin and had square torsos and long, powerful arms that reached to their knees. Feet and hands were garnered with long cutting claws. They wore no clothing and in the light of the glowings and the fading forbidding their skin became the hue of sickness.