Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Asthralain grew both weary and impatient with the asinine machinations of Harabeth the emissary of Sandum. His words were honey coated but wreaked of treachery. How long had this creature served his master? How many lives had been marred and tricked into servitude by this black abomination wrapped in a cloak the colour of blood that reminded her of all that spilt by the innocents in the name of his sedition. She sighed inward and then replied “When the thews of this mortal life dissolve back into the earth, when the last breath has gone and the warmth of this body dissipates into the cold night; then you shall take me and do what you will emissary of Sandum. Yet now I see your perfidious scheme I will neither appease you, nor treat with such accursed as you. If your master will not show himself then this meeting is at an end. Be gone foul duskwraith, back to your shadowy domain, back to your master and back to prepare for your end.”

With that as if by some sign, the snow began to fall as the emissary retreated back to the shadows. Soon his shadowy figure swathed in its red cloak was hidden behind a thick swirling curtain of white. Asthralain shivered and looked toward Ibbero, but he gazed ahead deep in thought. She followed his eyes but could discern nothing through the thick, falling snow. Was he vexed in her response to Harabeth? She could not tell, but the thought troubled her. He was a mighty Isnnatari and she; but a mortal queen of a troubled land. Had she just condemned them all to a darker fate by her actions?

Then in that place among the falling flakes that stung her face like regret he turned to her and smiled. She smiled intuitively back though she did not understand and then his smile became a laugh as clean and as pure as the ice that forms on the coldest night.

“My queen have I not said you are worthy to this cause, no matter how doubt may restrain you, but in this matter you have done well. Harabeth will return to his master with more than you think you have given and yet nothing that may hinder us in the days to come. His master will of course see our deception immediately and fear will take him. In that fear we may hope that he will strike in the direction least suited to his purpose. Yes I say again, well met and well matched Asthralain.”

Ibbero arced his staff above them and the forbidding he created held aloft the snow as they walked back to the camp.