Sunday, December 11, 2011

Change a few names in my story and it's uncanny...should i be worried?

So now at last you seek my aid mighty queen though I have no more advice to give. Have I not foretold that the spoon would yield to you a more rancid revelation at the bottom of the bowl? Now that you taste its worth tis no surprise it is bitter to the heart. I see your dilemma, but it matters not, what you would wish. All that matters is what you will do now the true acrimony of the choices is laid bare. Ten long years have I gazed into the shadowed pall of fate trying to read its intent and yet it avails me nothing. I am as blind as a mole in the sunlight. Too long have I wasted in the darkness, it is time to re-enter into the luminous daylight alongside my queen.”

Angelain smiled at the old man and replied, “I thank you Sarcasto for both your insight and your patience. We have both travelled a hard road these last few years. Pity me that I could not sway from evil intent the feebleness that stumbled me at its ending.”

Angelain paused then continued, “Ever you have been my guardian and friend Sarcasto. Tell me now, does the Camerona seek to usurp or gainsay me. Ever in public he has been perceived as a champion of all the lands. In word at least he has carried out his duty to his kin and now must I fall on his sword or his clemency. Yet it is my heart he will engender treachery and we sue for their mercy and yet that word does not figure prominently in their designs.”

Sarcasto looked at Angelain like a man who wakes from a dream to see all his desires fulfilled. “You have returned to wisdom my queen; though it was late in coming. But it is of no matter! We must now seek out and convince the high chamberlain Cleggata of our need. Who would have thought that this vile and loathsome creature, the dark betrayer and turncoat is now our only hope to stop the unravelling of the alliance through the schemes of Camerona?

Only Cleggata can affect the ending that will stop Camerona. Often evil intents from opposing forces are a poor coalition; as we may surely yet see in the partnership of Camerona and Cleggata. Our task now is to take those differences they hold and widen them. It should not prove difficult for Cleggata needs the support of Camerona to survive and Camerona likewise the legitimacy that Cleggata offers him. Yet we must be wary; ever the people trust Camerona still, though we know that trust is misspent. This slow ember of misinformation to the people must be stilled. We have been remiss in the education of the free peoples. Desiring to make things better we have allowed them to become wraiths of a false material honour. It’s time for them to wake up.

Sarcasto looked like a man who had wanted to say this for a long time and had now found the legitimacy to do so. He continued, “This paragon of protection that they evade truth with is failing and they know it. When the fools dash their ship of state on the rocks we must be ready to seize the moment. There is now no more time; there will be no second chance for millennia if we fail.” The magnitude of his words hit him like thunder under a frosty sky and Sarcasto fell silent. Angelain, ‘flower of the west’ considered the next course of action.